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Author: Ron Graham

Quizzes and Puzzles

Quiz on the Gospels
—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

"Here's a Bible study quiz on the Gospels to help you learn the message of the scripture.

The questions are in a somewhat random order, so you can answer them in any order you choose.

Find the BEST answer to each question. A verse number or note with the answer is for your information. It is not required in your answer.

1. (Mark 4:23-27) What is the meaning of the word parable?(A) A symbolic story originating in Arabia, hence pARABle, (B) a familiar idea cast beside an unfamiliar idea as an illustration or analogy, (C) A sermon or discourse with two parallel themes,

2. (Luke 8:14) What is represented by the thorns in the parable of the sower and the seeds? (A) Worry of the world, the cares of life, (B) Persecution, (C) The love of money,

3. (Mark 4:26-29) Which of the following themes is common in the parables of Jesus? (A) Marriage as a lifelong relationship, (B) God’s dealings with the Patriarchs, (C) The Kingdom of God (a spiritual worldwide Kingdom).

4. (Luke 18:1-8) Which parable teaches that we should keep on praying and not lose heart? (A) The persistent widow, (B) The rich man and Lazarus, (C)  The Pharisee and the tax collector.

5. (Matthew 5:6)  In the beatitudes (the "blessed are theys"), what should be one’s attitude to righteousness? (A) One should recognise it in all people, (B) One should hunger and thirst for it, (C) One should practice enough righteousnes to balance out one’s sin.

6. (Luke 6:27-28) If someone hurts you, how should you react? (A) Do good to the offender, (B) Desire to see justice done swiftly, (C) Retreat in peace and avoid the offender in future.

7. (Matthew 6:34)  How did Jesus say we should think about tomorrow? (A) Don't think about it at all, (B)  Don't be worried and anxious about it, (C) Humbly admit that we cannot affect tomorrow or do auything about it.

8. (Matthew 6:19-21)  What did Jesus say we should try to save up? (A) Our hard-earned wages, (B) Our treasure in heaven, (C) Our grudges until judgment day.

9. (Matthew 5:16) Which of our religious acts, or our good works, should we do in public? (A)  None. We should do all our good works in secret, seen only by God, (B) All. To set the best possible example to others, (C) Only those works that will cause people to glorify God instead of us.,

10. (Matthew 7:13-14)  Viewing life as a pathway trod, how many possible pathways and destinations are there? (A) An infinite number, (B) Two, (C) Seven.

11. (Matthew 7:28-29)  Why were the people astonished at the teaching of Jesus? (A) He spoke with such campassion, (B) He could answer the curly arguments of the scribes and lawyers, (C) He spote with such authority.

12. (Matthew 7:15-20)  On what basis should we judge others? (A) We should not judge others at all, (B) We should judge them by their words, (C) We should judge them by their fruits.

13. (Matthew 7:5)  What does it mean to take the log out of your own eye? (A) to examine yourself and repent, (B) to heal yourself spiritually, (C) to have eye surgery,

14. (Matthew 7:24-27)  Which was the best house? (A) The one built on the sand, (B) The one built on the rock, (C) Both houses were equally good.

15. (Luke 21:20) What does Luke identify as the abomination of desolation? (A) Jerusalem surrounded by armies, and the destruction of the city and its temple. (B) The veil of the temple torn in two, (C) The Dead Sea turning to blood.

16. (Luke 5:20-24)  What authority did Jesus claim to have? (A) The authority to forgive sins, (B) The authority to tell lies, (C) The authority to change his Father’s word.

17. (John 15:10)  What do God’s promises mostly have in common? (A) They have conditions and commandments attached, (B) They refer to heaven, (C) They are too good to be true.

18. (John 6:37)  What will Jesus certainly not do to those who come to him? (A) Condemn them, (B) Cast them out, (C) Give them any solid guarantees.

19. (John 14:1-6)  Who is coming to lead believers in Christ to their heavenly mansions? (A) Jesus Christ himself, (B) Michael the archangel, (C) Believers are able to find their own way.

20. (John 5:28-29)  Who will rise from the dead at the resurrection? (A) Only those who believed in Christ, (B) It has not been revealed, (C) Everyone who has ever died.

21. (John 3:16)  What should you say about the statement, 'No person is barred from receiving eternal life' (A) It's true, (B) It's false, (C) It's unproven.

22. (Luke 23:46) Finsh this statement that Jesus made on the cross: 'Father into your hands I commit ...'  (A) My mother, (B) My spirit, (C) My sacrifice.

23. (John 8:58)  Jesus claimed to have existed before whom? (A) Adam, (B) Abinadab, (C) Abraham.

24. (John 2:19-21)  What did Jesus claim he would raise up again in 3 days if it were destroyed? (A) The temple in Jerusalem, (B) His own body, (C) The kingdom of heaven.

25. (Matthew 6:33)  What place should the Kingdom of God have in our lives? (A) It should come after we've got our food and clothing, (B) We should devote one hour in each day to it, (C) The kingdom of God and his righteousness should always be what we seek first.

26. (John 19:27)  Which statement on The cross was made to a disciple? (A) Behold your mother, (B) It is finished, (C) Today you will be with me in Paradise.

27. (John 8:52)  Complete this statement by Jesus: "If anyone keeps my word he shall never..." (A) grow old, (B)  see death, (C) get sick.

28. (Mark 11:7-10)  Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a colt. What did the crowds cry out? (A) Crucify him! crucify him !, (B) Hosanna in the Highest ! (C) Jesus is the Christ !

29. (Mark 14:12-16)  When the two disciples went to prepare the Passover, what did they have to say to gain entry to the reserved guest room? (A) The Teacher says 'Where is the guest room in which I may eat the Passover with my disciples?' (B) A man bearing a pitcher of water led us to you. Our Master says, 'Let my disciples occupy the guest room', (C) The Lamb of God takes away the sins of the world. Show us the room where we may prepare the last supper for him.

30. (Mark 16:19-20)  What did Jesus do when he was received up into heaven. (A) He rested from all his work, (B) He sat down at the right hand of God in heaven, and worked from heaven helping his disciples on earth, (C) We don't know; it is a mystery.

The Answers
































Webservant Ron Graham

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