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Author: Ron Graham


Quiz on Ephesians
—Chapter 2

Here's a Bible study quiz for you on Ephesians chapter 2. The Bible questions are generally not trivia. Rather they help you to learn the message of the scripture.

For multiple choice questions, find the BEST answer. For other questions, if your answer is worded differently, but has the same meaning, then it is correct. A verse number or note with the answer is for your information. It is not required in your answer.

Ephesians chapter 2

1. What spiritual state were the Ephesians in before they became Christians? (Verse 1)

2. In their spiritual walk, what course or ways were the Ephesians following before they became Christians?(Verse 2)

3. Who was the spirit who had lead the Ephesians into sin? (A) The ruler of the kingdom of the air, (B) The spirit who works in the sons of disobedience, (C) The spirit of the godess Diana.

4. In verse 2, what other description does Paul apply to the sons of disobedience?

5. In verse 3, what is the "nature" that children of wrath adopt as a way of life?

6. In verse 4 what nature does God choose to have?

7. What did God do for us that we could not do for ourselves?  (Verses 5-6).

8. According to verse 6, in what realm is the Christian soul sitting [in fellowship] together with Christ? (A) This world, (B) Heavenly places, (C) The kingdom of heaven, (D) Our final and eternal home.

9. What will God show in ages to come (when his promises all come true)? (Verse 7).

10. According to verses 8-10, What are we saved by? (A) grace, (B) faith, (C) Good works that God prepared for us that we should walk in them, (D) All of the above.

11. According to verses 8-10, there are works we are not saved by, and of which we cannot boast. Are these the good works that God prepared for us to walk in by faith?

12. People of the Jewish religion placed much store in something the men had, but Gentile men generally did not have. What was it? (Verse 11).

13. What other things were Jewish people connected to that Gentiles generally were not? (Verse 12)

14. Why were the Ephesians at one time without hope? (A) They were uncircumcised, (B) They were strangers from the covenants of promise, (C) They were without Christ and without God in the world (Verse 12).

15. By what means can a sinner be brought near to God and into his grace?  (Verse 13)

16. Jew and Gentile were divided by a barrier wall. What did Jesus do about this?  (Verse 14).

17. By what means did Jesus remove the barrier and make peace?  (Verse 15).

18. Jesus made one new body of people out of the two separated bodies. What enabled this?  (Verse 16)

19. What was the barrier that prevented an end to the distinction, division, and hostility between Jew and Gentile?  (Verses 15-16)

20. Paul says that Jesus "came and preached peace to you who were afar off [Gentiles] and to those who were near [Jews]"  (Verse 17). How did Jesus come and preach to the Ephesians? (A) He came in person, (B) He preached through his apostles and evangelists, (C) He came by the agency of the "one Spirit".  (Verses 17-18).

21. How did the Ephesian Christians have access to God? (A) Through Jesus Christ, (B) By one Spirit, (C) to the Father, (D) All of the above.  (Verse 18) 

22. According to Verse 19, The Ephesian Christians used to be "strangers and foreigners." What had they now become through Jesus?

23. On what foundation were the Ephesian Christians established? (Verse 20

24. In verses 16, 19, and 22, Paul, uses four metaphors or descriptions for God's called out people. What are they? 

25. In verse 21, What characterises the stones in the holy temple of God? (A) They are falling down, (B) They cannot be moved, (C) They are precious, (D) They are fitted together, (E) They are living stones.

26. In verse 21, what word describes the temple of God?

27. In verse 22, what is the significance of the words 'built together'?

28. How does God dwell in the temple which is the body of believers of whom Christ is the head?  (Verse 22).

29. Which of the following themes does not appear in Ephesians chapter 2? (A) God is rich in mercy, (B) By grace you have been saved, (C) Brought near by the blood of Christ, (D) Obedience to God is of no account, (E) God prepared good works beforehand that we should walk in them.

30. Why does God want to give people eternal life? (A) Because of his great love, (B)  Because he wants to dwell with them always, (C) Because he wants to show them the exceeding riches of his grace, (D) Because he wants them to have hope in this world, (E) All of the above.

The Answers
































Webservant Ron Graham

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