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Author: Ron Graham


God’s Law in Your Heart
—A study in Romans

The law of God must be in our hearts. When promising the new covenant, God said, "Behold the days are coming when I will make a new covenant... I will put my law within them and on their heart I will write it..." (Jeremiah 31:31-33. cf Romans 2:15).

Why is the heart the place where God’s law must be? Well, that is the place where it will be alongside faith. It is in the heart that man believes in Christ for justification (Romans 10:8-10). Only there, in the heart, alongside faith, will God’s law work for our freedom (Romans 8:1-2).

God justifies and saves those who have in their hearts a love of God’s law alongside a faith in God’s Son.

1 Delight in God’s Law

 With God’s law in your heart you will...

2 Consciousness of Sin

 With God’s law in your heart you will...

3 A Deep Gratitude Toward God

 With God’s law in your heart you will...

4 A Yearning for Eternal Life

 With God’s law in your heart you will...

5 Your Will Yielded and Obedient

 With God’s law in your heart you will...


Webservant Ron Graham

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