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Author: Ron Graham

Bush Grave

Dead or Dedicated?
—Lessons about attitudes

A series of studies that address our dedication and attitudes toward some of the key elements of our lives —our aims, interests, habits, and such like. Tap any title next to an arrow in the list below.

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The Seed You SowGrowth begins with the sowing of seed. That is true in the garden. It is also true in the spiritual kingdom of Heaven.

The Aims You SetThis is about the point and purpose of our lives, and about our goals, and sacrifices.

The Interests You PursueThis is about how we spend our time. There are three headings: time wise, time waste, and time warp.

The Habits You NurturePrinciples involved in forming the habits necessary for living in love and simplicity.

The Taboos You ObserveFinally we think about about the religious rules and taboos that people impose on themselves and others.

More lessons in this series

Is That “Dead” Church Really Dead?It's easy to visit a small struggling church, notice the empty seats and the lacklustre worship, make your hasty judgment, and pronounce that church dead. But is it dead?

Itching Ears, Itching Palms, Itching FeetWe all get an itch at times. It may be an itch that goes away with a scratch. Some people have an itch that is severe and very distressing. But the itches I want to talk about are spiritual itches. They are described metaphorically as itching ears, itching palms, and itching feet. However these are metaphors for itchings of the soul.

Choked by Thorns, Bearing No FruitIs your life a rat race? Are you running around in circles, struggling with all of this world's demands, and bearing no fruit spiritually? Is the spiritual seed in you choked by thorns?

Aspirational ChristiansThe aspirations of Christians are also expectations. We truly believe that we will achieve them without a doubt. God has provided the resources for us to meet the challenges and succeed in our aspirations. This lesson looks at three of the top goals of the “aspirational Christian”.

How the Word was HeardActs chapter two is about Peter and the other apostles preaching the gospel in Jerusalem. The chapter not only tells us what Peter preached, but also gives us insight into the hearts of the hearers, and this lesson identifies that insight.


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